29 May 2011

Lola may Cha-Cha But Can She JellyDance?!

I think these next two paintings may be my most favorite to date. They are definitely different from anything I've done and they were so much fun to paint. They didn't come without their fair share of frustrations, but I'm getting used to that part of the job.

While I'm at work I sometimes get these randomly divine ideas and must doodle right away. These paintings were a result of a random Google. Occasionally during a lull at work I pick an object, a word, an animal or something whatever and Google it. As much as I hate horror films, the supernatural or anything creepy crawly that might keep me from a decent nights sleep, I occasionally get in the mood to scare myself... odd, I knowOne day, I was in such a mood and what was the first fear that came to mind? Duh. Sharks. Well that train of thought took me to Googling sea creatures in general, then to certain species of creepy looking fish and then to pretty fish whose names I could remember and then... the Jellyfish. What beautifully gooshy globulous glows of color! I was instantly inspired! I also thought the challenge would be great fun!

"Jellydance Here"
"Jellydance There"
Now, since I'm not really an animal artist or landscape painter I wanted to combine my clothing/figure emphasized art with that glowy flowy quality of a jellyfish. I've always felt like jellyfish dance through the water and then it hit me! Dancers! Jellydancers! So, I took one of my ladies, plopped her on top and made her legs all jelly! Fabulous. 


26 May 2011

Great Scott! Is That A Bunny Looking Glass?!

Hiya folks! Long time no blog... sincere apologies. Since the show I've taken to being motivated in other areas. I've actually had time to go grocery shopping, which led to some baking and salad making (rhyme alert) plus some fabulous sewing projects! Made a couple dresses and a fun little appliquéd pillow for my mama. I've also been having some good ol' internet issues. I had to take a step back on speed to get with "reliable internet" and let me tell you, I'd take speed over reliable any day. Give me a fast connection speed or give me death! Not literally of course because that'd just be dumb. So needless to say, hopping on the 'putter just hasn't been worth the amount of distress it causes. However, I figured before this whole boat went stale I better suck it up and write away... hey! 

This was the last picture I showed you:

 I thought I'd post this piece again... if memory serves you well (and I hope it does) you'll notice some very obvious changes... and if you're very observant, some not so obvious changes (but for the color connoisseur it should be easy breezy lemon squeezy.)

I cannot tell you how frustrating this piece was for me. I was THIS CLOSE to painting over it and bagging the whole thing. I swear I changed the background at least 4 times before I black-washed it and stuck it in a "frame." The idea for that golden nugget came out spontaneous while vocalizing said frustrations to my uber patient mother. What's really funny, is I kind of can't stand the color pink. So why I started with a pink background is beyond me. I usually start on a black canvas... odd.

This, over here < is its frustrating transitional phase:

I REALLY liked this concept and the direction this painting was taking. In this photo it actually looks pretty sweet but in person it fell short of my expectations... like wee midget short, only not as amazing. The colors in the background were fabulous in person, but it really showed just how OFF my color scheme on her was. The green looked muted, it was pretty but very dull. The background was also very over powering and she got lost in the busy. Not to mention my sweet little honey bunny was being smothered by the awesomeness of the clouds... So with the colors of the background mucking up the colors of the foreground I took on the task of changing the color of her entire outfit. I made it a more jubilee green but even after that daunting task it still wasn't working.

So, after spending nearly 4 hours re-coloring her and 6 hours on the background... I black-washed the background and then let it sit and stew in my studio. I didn't make eye contact with it, I hid it behind my easel and moved onto other things.

Then... crunch time came. The show was 5 days away and ideas began to whirl, frustrations sub-sided and brush met canvas once more.

This is what it looks like today: 

I ended up titling it "Bunny Looking Glass." I basically just borrowed the book title and changed "Through the" and replaced it with "Bunny," but I didn't notice my savvy sneakery until way later. I love words that rhyme and bunny obviously rhymes with funny and every time I say the title I mentally say "its a Bunny [funny] Looking Glass." It makes me snicker every time. What can I say? I'm easily entertained.

It's still not one of my favorite pieces, but I like the concept of sticking her in a looking glass (aka mirror) frame. I think the black subdued it a little and I feel like its not crazy enough to be tied to a Wonderland-esque theme and still think my the transitional phase would have looked better had I not started with the foreground ::sad face:: 
BUT it did get a lot of positive remarks from people at its debut. My cousin's girlfriend loved it and asked random people throughout the night (usually in the bathroom) which painting was their favorite. I don't know the exact amount of people she asked, but every one she did tell me about said this was their favorite. Katie, your enthusiasm and delightfully tipsy stupor that night made this painting a winner. Thank you for that.


17 May 2011

Yakety Yak, Don't Talk Back!

I had mentioned before the Rogue that I was incorporating animal absurdities into my artwork as of late. I had also mentioned that one them included the sneaky Blue Blue Yikity Yak... so here ye go! Ladies and gents, I give you Blue Yak '59

"Blue Yak '59"
I also forgot to mention that my father has become my new favorite subject matter. I absolutely adore my dad. He is super sweet, oh so funny, hardest working guy you'll ever meet, and boy is that man a ham. You point a camera in that guy's direction and he pulls a total Zoolander. He knows when you point a camera at him and he strikes a pose and there's something in his eyes that says "I'm rocking the shit out of this scene, so capture it." Man I love him and his amazing facial hair. The dude rivals Santa Claus, and he gifts way cooler stuff! Santa Claus - 0, Papa Bear - 1.
The inspiration behind Blue Yak '59  is pretty simple. In the painting I tried to depict him in a state that says "me and my best friend." I overheard someone at the show say "it looks like he's just chilling out with his dog, but with a cow"... ha! His "critique" was right on the button. It was so nice to know it was interpretable. Thanks dude.

The Blue Yak is actually a reference to the '59 Chevy Apache Pickup my father is rebuilding - hence the title Blue Yak '59. The Blue Yak's origins actually began with the creative genius that is my older brother. When he was in high school, shortly before the Yak purchased, he wrote and illustrated a comic book called The Blue Yak. It was genius and the illustration's were hilarious. It was about a yak who had wheels for feet and motored about doing... stuff. I don't remember EXACTLY what the comic was about, but the image stayed with me. Point is, when he and my dad purchased the Yak they named it so because it was blue and alluded itself to the comic he wrote. They rebuilt it together and now they're rebuilding it again and spicing up the paint, interior, and other components so it looks original.

The truck suits my dad so well and I just wanted to capture the kind of love a man holds for his pickup, but in a funky off-beat sort of way... natch.


14 May 2011

The Artist Has Gone Rogue, And Boy Does It Feel Good!

True awesomeness! A couple months of hard work came to an end with the Rogue Gallery Art Show last night at the Railyard. I'm hoping good times were had by all who were able to make it. I know I enjoyed myself! Thank you to all who came out and showed your support for the arts, and for me! I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. If you couldn't make it last night your company was missed, but as a woman who's own busy schedule keeps her from attending many fabulous events, no worries! There will be plenty more opportunities to come and canvas gander.

"Papa Gone Perch"

Unfortunately I totally forgot my camera last night.... I've never been one to cart around a camera, and remembering to take it with me requires one of three things: 1) a plane ticket to an exotic destination like Oklahoma, 2) God, or 3) gossip of a walking, talking circus cupcake destructively taking over downtown Billings. However, as reliable as the Rogue boys are I'm sure there will be plenty of photos to be thieved and shared. I saw many a wonderer with a camera in tow... you know who you are, and you've been marked.

With the Rogue venue behind me (and a few paintings sold! boo-yah!) I can't wait to see what summer 2011 brings creatively. A few lovely people have already approached me about commissioned pieces, and I cannot wait to get started! So if any of you have any ideas you'd like to shoot my way, feel free! And with that I'll leave you with one of the pieces I showed last night...just a little tease for now. More to come later! 


03 May 2011

Lions, Tigers and... Camels? Oh my!

Hi folks! Sorry for the long absence. My attention has been focused elsewhere (on zee art for an upcoming show) and I've been avoiding my home computer! Plus I've been going overload at work, so  while I'm not painting, any excuse to hit the gym and not the keyboard is a good one in my book right now. 

While I'm being secretive about the pieces I've finished for the Rogue show, I'd like to talk about my new inspiration... 

What a delectable looking animal, no? This little guy just became my new best friend. Lately I've taken a trend in my art to try and incorporate my figures with an opposing animal buddy... preferably a ridiculous one. While I won't show you the image (just yet) of my latest animal escapade, I will say it included an oddly colored and slightly elusive Yak... :-)

So, you can expect to see this little camel friend pop up sometime soon in a new piece. Or you just might see some camel jockeys! How awesome, right? I swear, if I were 4ft nothin' and weighed 40lbs... New Profession?!


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