31 October 2011

Doodle Friday...on a Monday!

Many apologies for my lack of Doodle Fridays... there's no excuse, except for an excuse... ? YEA. Besides, I wanted to save this one for MONDAY because its Halloween! So while you're taking the kiddies trick or treating or you just happen to be walking down a dark alley all alone, beware of the...



22 October 2011

Hung Liu

I have two very different palettes when it comes to art. While I enjoy very abstract and messy art with no rhyme or reason for its existence except that it just matriculated from someone's subconscious immensely, I absolutely adore very refined works of art whose creator approached the canvas with such meticulous attention to detail and refinement that it literally leaves you awestruck.  Big words aside - I like it neat and I like it sloppy!

Two very conflicting approaches are they not?

So what happens when Sir Sloppy Joe meets Queen of Painstakingly Precise?

You get one of my favorite artists that's what!

Hung Liu:


I first discovered her work in college while nodding off in one of my many art history courses... give me a break, I worked full time and always carried about 18 credits. I was exhausted 98% of the time. I always sat in the front row too... and I always aced my papers. True credit really must go to my professor, she is a genius. Her lectures always managed to reach the far recesses of my mind, even while I was unconscious. Now, back to Hung Liu...

"Concession" ... maybe, I had a really hard time finding this photo... 
Concession may be the title of the show it was in.

I love the duality of her work. Of how it can at once be both chaotic and yet perfectly organized. Liu emigrated from China in  1984 and was one of the first Chinese artists to study in the U.S. Her works represent the ongoing tension between emigration and immigration and often make use of anonymous Chinese historical photographs. Her subject matter focuses primarily of women, children, refugees and soldiers.

"Leaf Picker III"

"The Menders: Mother and Daughter"

"Da Fan Che Lotus State III"

I found another version of the same painting. She always
seems to go back and add or change things... brilliant.

"Baby King"
Liu's works are usually VERY large, drippy (which I LOOOVE), and are washed with layers and layers of linseed oil. Focus on all the details! Fall in love with the messy! Her work is absolutely FAB-U-LOUS!

"Golden Rain"

I couldn't find the title... all my notes said were "Jeanc"

Her works are just mesmerizing and the colors are simply beautiful. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! 


20 October 2011

Cobbler Anyone?

I absolutely adore unconventional forms of art. Pushing the boundaries on normal expectations of what art is, should, and could be is just... fabulous!

I obviously have a lot of other interests outside of art. I play the piano, I love to read, I like re-doing furniture, I enjoy sewing, I tolerate gardening... I didn't quite inherit that green thumb. However, one thing that I love above a lot of other things (and I'm sure most women and a hefty handful of men would agree with me on) is... 


HOLY CRAP do I love shoes. I have an entire closet dedicated to JUST shoes. It's awesome. So, how does my love of shoes tie into my love of art? Well that's simple:


Shart? No, no, no... HA! But seriously, isn't the idea of artistic shoes just the most fantastically fabulous idea ever conceived? I do. A lot. And then I do some more. I've ca-ruised the web to find some amazing shoe ideas... some practical, wearable, and some totally ridiculous...

I'm absolutely BANANAS about these shoes.

THESE shoes, are basically just pure awesomeness.

by Alexander McQueen, I love the color on the middle shoe, and
I just think the armadillo shoes are silly looking! So not practical...

While the style of the shoe is rather ugly, what I enjoy is
the pattern, textures, and the color combinations.

HOLY CRAP. These shoes are HI-LARIOUS! I've seen variations on the
"Hoof" shoe before, but never with a pistol heel! BOOM Shaka laka!

You can actually HEAR the noise gum makes in this
particular kind of situation. 

This is brilliant. Coffee anyone? I'll take two. Size 10. Thanks.


I seriously want. Please? Ok.

Go Go Grease Lightning!

I'm not a huge fan of spines and stuff, but you have
to admit... these are pretty... interesting.

Crazy creepy.

OLIVE-freakin OYL! WANT.

Serious Ballerinas need apply only.

These are modeled after Madonna... I say Barbie, but whatever.

These take me back to my Scandinavian roots... 

GROSS! Bird fan I am not.

I have a secret obsession with wooden shoes from Holland...
which isn't a secret obsession anymore.

Fellas, get yourself a pair of these shoes STAT. So hot.
Here is a link to their website HERE. Go buy...now!
P.S. These are two separate shoes, its not a pair of shoes
in two different colors...

D'aww! I too have a pair of red red rain boots!

I think a wee little piggy in wee little boots is a good place to stop. Good? Great.


UPDATE: According to a suggestion from a bestie I should have included this photo to make this post even better....

My shoe closet... believe it or not, these aren't ALL of my shoes. I couldn't
 fit everything into one photo...and I have shoes scattered through other closets
in my house. Plus, I've added to my collection since this photo was
taken... is that bad?

16 October 2011

Crank it Up!

'Ello Darlings! 

MAN! Has it been forever and a day since I posted last... my bad ya'll. Things have been a little cray-cray in my neck of the woods, and I have been working on some fantastic things... you'll see the pictures when I'm finished! This will be a quick little post about a few little updates:


I've added a music playlist to the blog. I've only added a few songs at the moment (mainly because they are all I'm listening to right now) AND I want YOU! to give me music suggestions. My dear sweet friend Kailie - a same named buddy who rocks a different spelling - is my music guru. The girl is an infinite playlist and she always gives fantastic recommendations. Apparently she knows my taste better than I do, or at least she knows where to find great tunes. She's a musical savior. Now I'd like to tap other sources for musical inspirations and feature them on my blog! YAY!


Most bloggers know how to link their blog things to other webpages and are masterminds of shameless self-promotion... I on the otherhand... well, suck at it to be quite frank. While I'm pretty computer savvy, I'm a little baffled about all of the technical jargon. HENCE why this last little escapade took me forever to even start. I have now linked my blog to a Facebook Page. So now you can "like" me on Facebook, and my posts will automatically generate in their world... well, they are SUPPOSE to populate there... I'm still working out the kinks. They changed EVERYTHING so now its proving to be more difficult. If only I had done that part when I started the blog, then this would be a hella-lot easier to accomplish... but 'ey, I'll get it!

I hope the changing of the seasons transitions well for all of you! Here's to the upcoming holidays, meeting new people and here's to ART!


UPDATE: The Facebook feed is.... ALIVE!!!
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