27 September 2013

Bib-Bib, Baby.

We all know that those damn jumpsuits have been making a comeback in fashion. Why? Who knows really. Personally, I'd love to be able to wear one. I love oddball fashion trends. However, I'm extremely long bodied and jump suits are not friendly to people with my body type... clothing makers do not accommodate for length where its needed. If you're tall, you KNOW what I'm talking about...... but I'll spell it out gracefully for ya'll who don't understand. It's called a "perma-wedgie" and its very uncomfortable. hahaha! Yikes. 

Jumpsuits, footie pajamas, those cute little romper outfits? Yeah, can't wear a single one. Zip. Zilch. NADA. Booooooo! Exception (there's aaaalways an exception): bib-overalls with adjustable straps! Yahtzee! 

I don't wear them anymore. One, because I'm not 10 years old anymore. Two, reason one should really be enough. Sure, I entertain the idea of rocking a pair now and then, but only when I want to paint. It just fits in with that whole "I'm an artist and this is my paint splattered wardrobe" kind of thing, ya know? Win.

All that being said, look at this cute little bib outfit I doodled with pens and hi-lighters! Enjoi!


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