If I'm one thing, it's punctual. I always try to show up at least 10 minutes early... for anything. However, when it comes to anything art related... I tend to drag my heels, but not for the reasons you think.
For instance, this cheery little piece above was commissioned by a friend of mine. She thought she'd do a little unique gifting for her boyfriend's birthday and I was honored when she asked me for help. Unfortunately the timing was a little off... I was due to leave for a Florida-ish vacation in less than a week, which just happened to be the same day as his birthday... BUT being the over achiever that I strive to be (yet don't always accomplish) - I replied with a hearty "I can probably get it done before I leave!" YEEEEAAAA.... that totally didn't happen, but not for a lack of trying mind you. I had the concept, layout, and the canvas completely prepped for finishing touches... but twenty loads of laundry, packing, and then trying to find a babysitter for my cat took precedence in the ninth hour. So I apologized, explained the sitch, and said I would finish it when I got back, which I did... two months later... bad dog! This particular form of procrastination was due in large part by being unbelievably busy when I got home coupled by a TON of house projects that needed to get finished before the inevitable impending DOOM of seasons... aka "Winter."
I always get this overwhelming sense of "possible failure" before diving into a project I promised I'd do for someone else. I always ask myself, "what if falls short of their expectations?" or "what if they hate it?" OR "what if they round house kick the canvas back in my face and then throw a hot dog at me?" There is nothing more shameful than getting beamed by a tube steak made of mystery meat... nothing. This type of procrastination played a very small part in the delay of this particular painting, which I still feel guilty aboot. Fortunately [for me] they loved it when I did finish it. PLUS I managed to do it in a weekend! Oodalolly! Oodalolly! Golly what a day!
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