16 December 2011

Doodle Friday: In A Galaxy...

I had really planned on doing a couple Christmas related doodles and what not, but remember that creative A.D.D. I described a little ways back? Yea. It struck again. This time in the most random way possible... at least for me.

Now, my close friends and family know that I'm already kind of a dweeb when it comes to some things, but declaring my nerdiness in a bold type font that's screen printed on a poly/cotton tee is just something I'm not going to do. "I <3 Nerds" will never be a part of MY wardrobe.

With that said, this particular doodle was a happy accident and I think its tres adorable!

(you might want to click on it to see it BIGGER!)

I actually really like Star Wars. Always have. Well, the OLD ones at least. The new ones are kiiiind of annoying... Jar Jar Binks? Seriously, WTF? Anyway, this whole doodle started with my new phone... and browsing for new wallpapers for said phone... and coming across a really simple almost stick like drawing wallpaper... and then thieving said drawing and changing it...AND then finding another similar drawing... and then changing THAT and then adding another figure and then... BOOM! Accidental Princess Leia. It was the hair... I was trying to draw a simplified piggy tail braid and what did I get? Buns. And then I drew CHEWBACCA! Aside from the Ewoks, Chewy is my favorite, mostly because of the way he "talks". It's probably my favorite sound in the world. It just gives me the warm and fuzzies. The rest was downhill from there. I always thought Luke Skywalker had terrible hair, hence his mullet like frock. Yoda's cane makes me giggle, and Vader has a CAPE! Booyah! And they ALL remind me of Lego men... how lovely!

No? Just me? Huh... oh well! I do love me some legos...


OH! P.S. I hand drew these cuties first, and THEN I painstakingly spent way too many hours re-drawing them on my computer :-) tada! These are much cleaner than my pencil drawings... much, MUCH cleaner!

09 December 2011

Doodle Friday: Mrow? Mrow!

Have you ever had a moment, a special moment where your eyes make contact with something and you just know that it was meant to be? Yeeeaaa... I do. All. The. TIME. I literally see something so unbelievably stupid and I just know that I'm going to obsess over it until I get one. I collect the most ridiculous crap. My latest obsession:

Maneki Neko!

You may have seen these in restaurants, flee markets, or in cartoons... they literally show up in the most random places (in Western culture that is). I did a little research about this totes adorbs little kitty and schooled myself in Eastern vs. Western culture hand gestures... to the Westerner, he looks like he's waving *awe* but really, this little putty tat is beckoning you. That's right, he's calling yo' ass over to give you good luck and unimaginable wealth... uh, eventually. 


05 December 2011

Buddha Baby!

If I'm one thing, it's punctual. I always try to show up at  least 10 minutes early... for anything. However, when it comes to anything art related... I tend to drag my heels, but not for the reasons you think.

For instance, this cheery little piece above was commissioned by a friend of mine. She thought she'd do a little unique gifting for her boyfriend's birthday and I was honored when she asked me for help. Unfortunately the timing was a little off... I was due to leave for a Florida-ish vacation in less than a week, which just happened to be the same day as his birthday... BUT being the over achiever that I strive to be (yet don't always accomplish) - I replied with a hearty "I can probably get it done before I leave!" YEEEEAAAA.... that totally didn't happen, but not for a lack of trying mind you. I had the concept, layout, and the canvas completely prepped for finishing touches... but twenty loads of laundry, packing, and then trying to find a babysitter for my cat took precedence in the ninth hour. So I apologized, explained the sitch, and said I would finish it when I got back, which I did... two months later... bad dog! This particular form of procrastination was due in large part by being unbelievably busy when I got home coupled by a TON of house projects that needed to get finished before the inevitable impending DOOM of seasons... aka "Winter." 

I always get this overwhelming sense of "possible failure" before diving into a project I promised I'd do for someone else. I always ask myself, "what if falls short of their expectations?" or "what if they hate it?" OR "what if they round house kick the canvas back in my face and then throw a hot dog at me?" There is nothing more shameful than getting beamed by a tube steak made of mystery meat... nothing. This type of procrastination played a very small part in the delay of this particular painting, which I still feel guilty aboot. Fortunately [for me] they loved it when I did finish it. PLUS I managed to do it in a weekend! Oodalolly! Oodalolly! Golly what a day!


02 December 2011

Creative A.D.D. or Doodle Friday!

Hello, my name is Kailee and I have Art-tention Deficit Disorder. [Hello Kailee.] This is the kind of disorder for which there is no cure or medication... except for maybe more cowbell... nyes... definitive tones to soothe the senses.

Anywho. What I'm trying to get across is that I have a serious problem with focus. I'll be working on something and thinking about working on something else, to the point where I feel like that time spent working on one thing is wasting time not working on another. So when I switch to work on another project the same thing happens until I've somehow built up umpteen zillion projects that have yet to be finished. You see, by the time I reach my 20th project I've already lost steam on the first one... so a lot of things never reach completion. You should see the hollow graveyard of ceramic pieces that have yet to see a coat of paint. Aww shucks. [Hello hollow graveyard.]

I should clarify that my attention span doesn't just cover my art projects... it extends way beyond that. I'll get bored fixing my hair sometimes and stop halfway through and leave to go fold laundry or something.

So, in delightful self-mockery, here's half a doodle:

12.5 Cents!

What's funny, is by the time I got to the lettering... I was totally bored. Hence the reason why they are not entiiiiirely accurate... you're welcome for proving... my point? Wait. What? Yeeeaaaa...


P.S. Big thanks to Katie for calling me out on my lacking of a Doodle Friday... I believe to many, November had many names. For instance "No Shave November." However, for me it was a "NO Post November." Seriously, I think my last post was on Halloween...actually, I know it was. So, here's to a new Holiday ya'll! To next year's "NO Post November!"
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