02 December 2011

Creative A.D.D. or Doodle Friday!

Hello, my name is Kailee and I have Art-tention Deficit Disorder. [Hello Kailee.] This is the kind of disorder for which there is no cure or medication... except for maybe more cowbell... nyes... definitive tones to soothe the senses.

Anywho. What I'm trying to get across is that I have a serious problem with focus. I'll be working on something and thinking about working on something else, to the point where I feel like that time spent working on one thing is wasting time not working on another. So when I switch to work on another project the same thing happens until I've somehow built up umpteen zillion projects that have yet to be finished. You see, by the time I reach my 20th project I've already lost steam on the first one... so a lot of things never reach completion. You should see the hollow graveyard of ceramic pieces that have yet to see a coat of paint. Aww shucks. [Hello hollow graveyard.]

I should clarify that my attention span doesn't just cover my art projects... it extends way beyond that. I'll get bored fixing my hair sometimes and stop halfway through and leave to go fold laundry or something.

So, in delightful self-mockery, here's half a doodle:

12.5 Cents!

What's funny, is by the time I got to the lettering... I was totally bored. Hence the reason why they are not entiiiiirely accurate... you're welcome for proving... my point? Wait. What? Yeeeaaaa...


P.S. Big thanks to Katie for calling me out on my lacking of a Doodle Friday... I believe to many, November had many names. For instance "No Shave November." However, for me it was a "NO Post November." Seriously, I think my last post was on Halloween...actually, I know it was. So, here's to a new Holiday ya'll! To next year's "NO Post November!"

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