27 September 2013

Bib-Bib, Baby.

We all know that those damn jumpsuits have been making a comeback in fashion. Why? Who knows really. Personally, I'd love to be able to wear one. I love oddball fashion trends. However, I'm extremely long bodied and jump suits are not friendly to people with my body type... clothing makers do not accommodate for length where its needed. If you're tall, you KNOW what I'm talking about...... but I'll spell it out gracefully for ya'll who don't understand. It's called a "perma-wedgie" and its very uncomfortable. hahaha! Yikes. 

Jumpsuits, footie pajamas, those cute little romper outfits? Yeah, can't wear a single one. Zip. Zilch. NADA. Booooooo! Exception (there's aaaalways an exception): bib-overalls with adjustable straps! Yahtzee! 

I don't wear them anymore. One, because I'm not 10 years old anymore. Two, reason one should really be enough. Sure, I entertain the idea of rocking a pair now and then, but only when I want to paint. It just fits in with that whole "I'm an artist and this is my paint splattered wardrobe" kind of thing, ya know? Win.

All that being said, look at this cute little bib outfit I doodled with pens and hi-lighters! Enjoi!


13 September 2013

Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown.

Goodwill. To earth, to men, and a delightful store that acts as a half-way house for other people's crap possessions. Until one day, a $6 purchase will literally CHANGE. YOUR. LIFE.

Happened to me.

I was perusing the local goodwill store on my lunch hour and there it was. The missing link. The “man” that would complete me… or, at least my living room. 

He stood all but one foot three, snarling like a beast, and missing chunks of….thigh? arm? neck? I’m not sure his body type works in terms of appendages…

Ain’t he a beaut?

Suuuuuure, he’s a little worse for the wear but I figured with a little TLC he’d be right as rain. He just needed a magic hand and a little TKC…that’s “Tender Kailee Care” for you people with no imagination for acronyms.

Now, I didn't take many photos of my creative process on this one.... at least I don't think? I mean, I have absolutely no idea where they're at. Well, I have a vague idea... I just don't feel like snoopin around. Aye! I'll just list the steps of what I did exactly. In small, short, descriptive sentences....

Step 1: Fix Leroy's missing chunks. Hello plaster putty!

Step2: Give Leroy a TAN. A uhhh… really deep tan. I painted him solid black.

Step 3: Give Leroy a belly tattoo. One that says “I’m sensitive, but also (and most importantly) a TOTAL. BADASS.”

Step 4: Give Leroy’s backside a little definition. Clearly his original paint job didn't leave much to the imagination. They spray painted color in small sections... talk about laaaaaazy!

Step 5: Give Leroy an everlasting preservative! Nothing beats smellin and lookin FRESH. For… ever.

and... VOILA! Visual badass-ness for your eyeholes!

Step 6: Put a hat on it! .... except, I am still working on this step. Ya'll have any idea how difficult it is to find a doll size bowler hat for less than $50? That's right, I didn't stutter. I said, FIFTY DOLLARS! Outrageous.

From humble beginnings, through trying times, to glorious endings. Thanks for sneakily slithering into my life Leroy. You bad, bad, Leroy Brown.


P.S. I found Leroy in the Spring of 2011. Yea. Leroy Brown has been a work in process for 2 freakin YEARS, and in that time - Kailee found herself a real man. Other than myself, he's the only one to really take a shine to Leroy like I did. So Leroy is going to live at his NEW house! Happy house warming my love! MUAH!

10 September 2013

My Doodle Days: AMELIA!!!

I remember on the senior trip to New York City, waiting just outside the Empire State Building, there was (what I believe to be) a CRAZY man walking up and down the sidewalk shouting "JULIO! JULIO!" (those J's are pronounced as an H... for all my non-spanish speaking hombres) Imagine eighty plus 17 & 18 year olds... we thought it was HILARIOUS. Pretty sure we all yelled it out at random for the rest of that trip. On occasion now and then, I still find myself muttering it to myself and chuckling about it. Oh adolescent humor... some things never lose their candor.

So, when I titled this post - that's precisely what I thought about when I wrote AMELIA!!! As in Amelia Earhart. At the time this doodle was created, I had a strong fascination with aviator hats, those goggles, bomber jackets and flight pants. Basically, old school pilots. I did a little research at the time, and it was all the rage in the fashion world too. So I whipped up a quick little doodle on some note paper.

It's nothing grand by any means, just a fun little fashion doodle. Completely devoid of a body... and blurry. Oops. Just keeping things interesting ya'll!


04 September 2013

My Doodle Days: Billowy Corset Top and Bottoms!

Doodle Fridays... what can I say? I dropped the ball. When you go from being a receptionist to being an extremely busy credit specialist, you don't have time to create cool doodles... the doodles I create nowadays are mostly circles and hearts while I make countless phone calls and leave countless voice messages... yeesh. So, I am officially changing the name - since I can't post consistently on Fridays anymore. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for....


YAY! This way, I'm not committed to a specific day. I'm giving myself DAYS, all days, any days, every days! I realize that last sentence was grammatically incorrect, but we'll all get over that eventually.

SO! I wanted to go back to a few of my older doodles. One's I had intended on sharing, but just kind of... dropped the ball on doing. What can I say? I'm a rebel baby.

Anywho, ya'll know I just looooove me some clothes. The fashion world is so weird and fascinating... its weirdinating? Huh. Well, whatever, point is - I could watch Project Runway all day. In fact, I do believe I've done that once or twice... or a lot. I can't really be sure. I've always liked dabbling in the clothing design arena, mostly because I tend to make a lot of my own clothes. I have a somewhat love/hate relationship with sewing. I'm a little impatient... so my finished edges are a little less than... finished. Meh. I'm getting better.

In college, the fashion side of things played a key role in my solo exhibition. Some think it was the main idea, but it wasn't... and that's a whole other beast I'm gradually working on explaining to ya'll in detail. I finally got around to showing you the images, so maybe next time I'll post my thesis.... keyword being maybe.

I like to draw my inspiration from runway fashion designs. A lot of the time I like to duplicate things in a more stylized manner... and that's exactly what you get here with this over-sized floating sweater corset underwear set....thing.

Not Odd At All:

This my friends, is what ink pens and highlighters look like at desperate times. Perfect! I cannot remember WHERE I found my inspiration photos, but what I do remember was that I was looking for "red and white stripes". I like patterns. That was the pattern of the week I guess. The fashions from this particular designer just looked so... comfy! Weird sure, but definitely comfortable. They were all wearing a sort of light oatmeal color with red stripes paired with grayish brown corset over tops, with just underwear and some boots? Told you fashion was weird. 

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