26 December 2013

Merry Christmas Ya'll!

I've never really been the type to use my artistic skill set to create Christmas presents. It's a lot of work and quite frankly, I'm never up for the task. I'd rather go buy something. *gasp* haha 

However, I managed to put together the best drawing imaginable of my parents, for my parents, for Christmas. This is the first year I've given my art as a present... and it's safe to say it won't be the last!

This was a portrait I had started.... well, quite a while ago. I showed it to my mama over summer and even worked on it in front of her a few times. She got a little chuckle out of it. The best gifts are the ones that you can leave in plain sight. I know my parents weren't expecting it for Christmas, and yet, when my mom opened it up it still surprised her. THAT'S THE BEST. Dad loved it. He knows he's been one of my favorite people to draw for quite some time now, so I figured it was high time I work on my mom's portrait.

If you know anything about my parents, you know what characters they are. They are such a cute couple, and what makes them SO great together is their ability to grow hair. Yea, that's right... HAIR. My dad's face is covered in it and my mom's hair is all over the place. They're the best parents I could ask for. They both possess a quirky quality I adore. So, this is their caricature. For me, they are best expressed as cartoons. You can't help but love cartoons! And trust me, people absolutely love these two yahoo's.

Certain features are exaggerated as with most caricatures. The things I exaggerated are things that stick in my mind when I think about them....  

My dad: in his weathered work jeans, rockin his monster work boots with the re-enforced toes, his lion belt buckle, his pocket T-shirts and his beard... the beard to end all beards.

My mom: sportin her capri's with her jesus sandals, her flannel shirts, the heart locket my brother gave her that she accidentally flushed down the toilet a few years ago, she was so devastated :( and of course that untamable mane of hers... it's epic.

These are my parents. They are the best people you will ever meet and are likely never to forget. They'd bend over backwards for you and ask for nothing in return. They are incredibly giving, undeniably kind and so unbelievably funny I can't even begin to tell you. They're true role models, positive influences on young minds, great parents, awesome grandparents and amazing friends.

I love you mom and dad. You're the absolute best!

Merry Christmas!

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