25 August 2013

Doodle Friday: Back To The... Past?

When I was younger, I never planned on being as involved with art as I am. To be honest, going to school and being an "artist" was never my "dream". While art was always sneakily hiding under my skin, watching and waiting to break out like mad crazy teen acne, my dream was to be a Marine Biologist.... tra-uly. I wanted to train dolphins and whales to do the flippy flip for tourists! But for a girl who doesn't like to play in the dirt and has an irrational fear of sticking her hand in a fish tank, that dream was a bust. A TO-TAL BUST. Then my plans changed, I wanted to be a hairdresser. Ha! Who was I kidding? My hair was awful in those days and I really had no clue as to how to fix it - so that too was a bust. Then it was on to being a professional chef. I soon discovered that I really didn't like to cook unless it was absolutely necessary and what I really liked about cooking was collecting recipe books... so, bust. Again. Then, I was going to be an Architect. Now we were getting somewhere. Architecture is NEAT! Buildings and structures and whacked out living places are my bread 'n butta! I still love the idea of being an architect. However, the amount of schooling that profession required not to mention my general laziness with academics was just ridiculous, and the math? Yea. I couldn't stand my algebra teacher in high school. BOO. So, I dropped Trig to be the Art Teaching Assistant... pretty much the whole afternoon of my entire Senior year.

Thus, my last "dream" nugget blossomed: Art Teacher! Sounds tangible, viable and like a downright hammer-nail-head thing. Right? Not. The longer I T.A.'d the more I discovered just how impatient I am, and just how annoying high school kids are... well, the ones who don't take their high school art classes "serious" enough for my taste. I don't mind teaching or helping people out with their creative side, but the patience required to teach "string art" year in and year out? Yea, I wasn't sure that was a ditch I wanted to be stuck in... So! College came, and I took art. Art history, art theory, and studio classes galore! Four brilliant years later here I am - totally awesome with a crafty degree under my belt and taking all of life's punches head on... well sort of. I'm an awesome ducker. Pretty impressive for a jolly green giant. I also took boxing... so that helped. 

So, what is the point of all this is? Nothing really. Its mostly just a lot of back story that is meant to lend a hand in showing you where I started with my art. I don't, by any means, think I am the world's greatest most awesome-est artist, even though my mommy says I am :-) What I do have is a deep love and appreciation for art. I may not have an art "career" but art definitely defines what I am. It is in every part of my being just as much as the air I breathe. Its my oxygen and livelihood. Without it I'd be.... a bump. A worthless bump. With no flava. No pizzazz. I like pizzazz. Hopefully you do too. So I leave you with a Doodle, from the 5 year old me... I love humble beginnings, in everything. ENJOI!


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