Thus, my last "dream" nugget blossomed: Art Teacher! Sounds tangible, viable and like a downright hammer-nail-head thing. Right? Not. The longer I T.A.'d the more I discovered just how impatient I am, and just how annoying high school kids are... well, the ones who don't take their high school art classes "serious" enough for my taste. I don't mind teaching or helping people out with their creative side, but the patience required to teach "string art" year in and year out? Yea, I wasn't sure that was a ditch I wanted to be stuck in... So! College came, and I took art. Art history, art theory, and studio classes galore! Four brilliant years later here I am - totally awesome with a crafty degree under my belt and taking all of life's punches head on... well sort of. I'm an awesome ducker. Pretty impressive for a jolly green giant. I also took boxing... so that helped.
So, what is the point of all this is? Nothing really. Its mostly just a lot of back story that is meant to lend a hand in showing you where I started with my art. I don't, by any means, think I am the world's greatest most awesome-est artist, even though my mommy says I am :-) What I do have is a deep love and appreciation for art. I may not have an art "career" but art definitely defines what I am. It is in every part of my being just as much as the air I breathe. Its my oxygen and livelihood. Without it I'd be.... a bump. A worthless bump. With no flava. No pizzazz. I like pizzazz. Hopefully you do too. So I leave you with a Doodle, from the 5 year old me... I love humble beginnings, in everything. ENJOI!
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