My 18 year old train of thought ran something like...
1) go to a
2) stay long enough to get general ed requirements
3) study abroad
4) then move somewhere... else.
5) finish college with an industrial design degree... like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride
6) get a job designing bad ass furniture for people's butts... or lamps... whatever.
7) be totally awesome
I should mention that I accomplished step 7 long before college started.
What ACTUALLY happened....
1) go to college... local works.
2) study art... never change major
3) get a job to pay for overseas trip to Greece
4) save a ton of money... skip trip to Greece and continue working
5) don't move somewhere else
6) carry a 20 credit load while working full time as a graphic artist
7) graduate with honors, quit job, and carry on with no clue as to what to do.
I won hard at the entire last list. I'm still winning. Do I wish I would have pursued a degree in industrial design? Meh. I can read books on how to do that shit, and I do alright with the stuff I find at Pacific Steel and Recycling... that is an art supply GOLDMINE ya'll. Fact.
I still love furniture. Immensely. So much so, that I buy it cheap, super abused and second hand whenever I find a truly unique piece in need of a little TLK (that's Tender Loving Kailee yo) BUT... the whole point of this post isn't about furniture I've fixed. I found an artist who took what I had in mind... and he did it BETTER. Like, SO much better. Always give credit where credit is due, and this cookie takes the cake. Take a looksie ya'll and be uhh-mazed!
Click on the 3x's to see them BIGGER!
Octopus |
Rhino |
Walrus |
Elephant |
Whale |