16 October 2011

Crank it Up!

'Ello Darlings! 

MAN! Has it been forever and a day since I posted last... my bad ya'll. Things have been a little cray-cray in my neck of the woods, and I have been working on some fantastic things... you'll see the pictures when I'm finished! This will be a quick little post about a few little updates:


I've added a music playlist to the blog. I've only added a few songs at the moment (mainly because they are all I'm listening to right now) AND I want YOU! to give me music suggestions. My dear sweet friend Kailie - a same named buddy who rocks a different spelling - is my music guru. The girl is an infinite playlist and she always gives fantastic recommendations. Apparently she knows my taste better than I do, or at least she knows where to find great tunes. She's a musical savior. Now I'd like to tap other sources for musical inspirations and feature them on my blog! YAY!


Most bloggers know how to link their blog things to other webpages and are masterminds of shameless self-promotion... I on the otherhand... well, suck at it to be quite frank. While I'm pretty computer savvy, I'm a little baffled about all of the technical jargon. HENCE why this last little escapade took me forever to even start. I have now linked my blog to a Facebook Page. So now you can "like" me on Facebook, and my posts will automatically generate in their world... well, they are SUPPOSE to populate there... I'm still working out the kinks. They changed EVERYTHING so now its proving to be more difficult. If only I had done that part when I started the blog, then this would be a hella-lot easier to accomplish... but 'ey, I'll get it!

I hope the changing of the seasons transitions well for all of you! Here's to the upcoming holidays, meeting new people and here's to ART!


UPDATE: The Facebook feed is.... ALIVE!!!

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