15 September 2011

M.I.A.... but not the paper planes kind.

Helloooooo Dear Ones!

MANY apologies for my lack of posting. First: I went on vacation and while that would explain the first two weeks of NOT posting, it doesn't explain the last few weeks on not posting. Give me a little credit for actually scheduling a post AFTER I left. Automatic posting option, you are fabulous! Second: I have literally been completely exhausted and trying to get back on a normal "schedule." Third: computer time overload at work = no desire for computer time at home. SO, I've been spending my time at the gym and in my car and in my bed. Mmmmmm... sleepy time. 

ALSO, my creativity bone has been sort of broken lately. I have not been in an inspirational mood for a while now, but have no fear! I'm working my way back to my roots... slowly... with home projects! This topic has been on my mind a lot lately. My house is still not finished, and the unfinished-ness is driving me bonkers. SO, I am currently re-doing a HIDEOUS lamp I found at a free garage sale a few years ago (photos to be posted later... although I forgot to take the "before" pictures...so you'll just be getting the "afters"... I guess I can doodle you a drawring of what it used to look like... seriously gross) AND I'm painting a dresser I bargain bought for like $30! These things are for my guest bedroom! YAY! I'm also making new discoveries for fabulous future art projects at Harbor Freight! I'll give you a hint, the future involves this little beauty:

Ain't she purdy?! It's called a "Doming Block" and it is going to provide me with massive amounts of hammer-time entertainment and wonderful new... domey things? I haven't exactly decided what I'm going to dome first... I still need to find the perfect mallet... preferably one with a delightfully girly handle! What I do know is that my art projects will be taking on new dimensions.... hehe heh. WHEEEE! Can you taste the excitement! I know, me too!


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