17 June 2011

Conceptual Schmeptual!

I only add that deep seeded artistic mumbo jumbo to my art because conceptual pieces are typically a must if you want any kind of recognition from critics. Not to mention its a must for art school, especially if you feel inclined to be gettin yo'self a Bachelors degree in Fine Art... like me!

While I do appreciate certain conceptual pieces of art - AKA so visually STUNNING they don't really need the flabber jabber - I mostly just think conceptual art (sometimes the artists themselves) are stupid. Especially the crude ones... vulgar just isn't my cup of tea: Piss Christ - you know who you are and what you did. This whole "I want to make something to say something" scene? Just SAY it instead of "saying" it, ok? Sheesh.

So for today I wanted to share a conversation piece:

"Novecento" by
Maurizio Cattelan
This is just... well, funny? mind boggling. I don't even know if I would call it art... Hanging a horse from the ceiling? Umm, ok! I stumbled upon this nugget on an art forum while looking for horrible works of art. I'm slightly disturbed... I would be even more so if the horse were alive, but it's not so I'm just slightly. Now, I'm not perverse when it comes to taxidermy. I live in a recreational state and have stumbled across many a trophy hunter and the prey they have mounted on their walls, floors aaand behind their couches. I'm pretty sure a friend of mine has Satan in mountain goat form mounted to his living room wall. Wake up half drunk during a couch squatting session with that thing staring down at you and tell me you don't freak. I freaked. I fa-reaked ou-T.

What are your thoughts on labeling a stuffed animal carcass as fine art? 

According to Sol LeWitt (American, 1928-2007), in "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art," in Artforum, summer issue, 1967. "In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work... all planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes the machine that makes the art." Soooo basically, the act of thinking is artistic? Congratulations to all daydreaming philosophical slackers everywhere! Your thoughts are CREATIVE! Why make art when you can think art?! Shizaam!

[P.S. I found a interesting little article discussing Novecento that explains horsey piece here a little bit. It also touches on the whole "carcass as art" subject if you feel so inclined... rather interesting. You can view it here. My favorite line references Cattelan's dead squirrel posed with a tiny pistol piece: "Is the dead rodent a poignant comment on the pitiful smallness of the woes that can lead human beings to take their lives, or a cruel art gallery joke designed to make small children cry?" HA! HA! This small child is crying...from laughing!]

I've never been very good at talking about my art, but that's not to say I can't talk at length about how bad I think someone else's is (everyone's a critic.) On rare occasions I do, sure, but not ALL the time. Mostly mine is just for funzies. However, when ever faced with an overly talkative artist (not to mention usually terrible) I just ignore listen casually while I run through my favorite movie quotes. One that always seems to top the charts during these times of woe:"... now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."Ahhh Spaceballs... so great, and on so many levels. I want to end this piece with an artist that just does art to do art... Jeff Koons:

He makes, or rather designs (he has someone else fabricate it...he's an artistic thinker!) art based on common objects! "Critics are sharply divided in their views of Koons. Some view his work as pioneering and of major art-historical importance. Others dismiss his work as kitsch: crass and based on cynical self-merchandising. Koons has stated that there are no hidden meanings in his works, nor any critiques." (thanks Wikipedia!)

Whatever the case may be, aren't these balloon doggies adorbs?! I want.

So what did we learn today, hmm? 

Evil = Conceptual Art

Good = Non-referential and visually stunning art that is sometimes depicted as larger than life/massively shiney balloon animals made out of metal!

I don't know about you, but glossy gargantuan sized balloon animals win in my book every time. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E... besides, we all know that Lone Starr goes on to save Planet Druidia, discovers he's a prince and marries the princess - thereby triumphing (is that a word?) over Evil. Quote toootally makes sense now eh?! And an excellent tie in if I do say so myself... provided you've seen the movie...


1 comment:

Panda.LaTree said...

hello love...
just wanted to let yo fine self know...i've been keepin' up with cho blogs...i love them...they keep me entertained at work...i shall start blogging soon as well!
expect snail mail soon!

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