My absence... has been a rather sad thing, nyes? Yes. Frnakly, I've been busy doing non-arty things. Well, sooort of... I took on a few sewing projects, participated in some summer activities, and FINALLY started a piece that was commissioned at the beginning of the summer. Never say "no rush" to me when I'm supposed to make something for you... I'm a procrastinator. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines... they're my bread and butta, not to mention yours! I also forget to mention, my computer? BA-ROKEN! For like, the last 3 months.... très lame.
Any-hoo... I was cruising through random motion photos of a-dorable things on the internet today, and looksie what I find: I shares...
Ain't he the most adorable little hooter you've eva seen?!
This cat is in heav-en. Love.
I don't know why... but I find this entertaining... just me? Yea. Its boring or creepy? Whatevah! Like.
Squeee! I <3 wee pigs.
So, don't worry I'll be back eventually with the projects I've been working on!